Monday, December 14, 2020

1:12 xmas party, Picassos on early!

1:12 xmas party 2020

It's been a crazy year... Lets show 2020 who's boss!

14 bands, 2 stages, 1 room! What could go wrong?!

Featuring... Dick Move, Magic Factory, DHDFD's, Warm leather, Tooms, Thee Golden Geese, Sin City, King Ketchup, Hallelujah Picassos, Labretta Suede and the Motel 6, The Cathulus, Memory Foam, Water, X-ray Fiends

Hey Y'all, here's the running list for Fri 18th!
2 stages, 1 room, no gaps!
8pm Hallelujah Picassos
8:20 Sin City
8:40 Thee Golden Geese
9pm Cthulus
9:20 X Ray Fiends
9:40 Warm Leather
10pm King Ketchup
10:20 Tooms
10:40 DHDFD's
11pm Water
11:20 Dick Move
11:40 Memory Foam
12pm Magic Factory
12.20 Labretta Suede and the Motel 6
This is gonna be killa!

Tickets numbers limited to 120 @ $25, from Under The Radar